Coaching Staff

Aaron Griffith

School of Development Director

Aaron Griffith- Boasts a rich history spanning over four decades. Currently serving as the Head Boy's Coach at Highland Middle School
With a remarkable playing career that spanned 20 years, Aaron honed his skills at various levels, including youth, club, high school, and the challenging terrain of Division 1 college soccer. This extensive playing experience not only polished his technical prowess but also instilled in him a profound understanding of the game's nuances.

For the past two decades, Aaron has seamlessly transitioned from player to coach, showcasing his commitment to the sport's growth. His coaching journey has encompassed all age groups and skill levels, demonstrating a versatility that few coaches possess. This diverse coaching background has allowed him to tailor his approach to the unique needs of each player, fostering a holistic development ethos.

In addition to his contributions to soccer, Aaron serves as a dedicated teacher in the EMSISD, channeling his passion for education to positively impact young minds beyond the soccer field. As a father of four, he understands the importance of balance in life and strives to instill valuable life lessons in both his students and children.

Aaron Griffith holds a USSF D level coaching license, a testament to his commitment to professional development and staying at the forefront of coaching methodologies. His coaching philosophy goes beyond the scoreboard, emphasizing character development, teamwork, and a love for the beautiful game.

Off the field, Aaron enjoys a fulfilling family life with his wife, Denise, and their four children. His journey in soccer reflects not only a dedication to the sport but also a profound commitment to the holistic growth of individuals, making him a respected figure in both the soccer and educational communities.