Mission Statement

Mission Statement

We firmly believe that our Wrexham Texans Football Academy provides a safe environment where players can reach their maximal potential on the field whilst equipping all individuals the skill set to become well-rounded human beings and role models to the Community of Fort Worth and beyond.

Our mission at the Wrexham Texans Football Academy is not just a statement; it's our reason for being here. Our commitment to this mission is unwavering, and it permeates every aspect of our club's activities.

On the field, we strive to provide a safe and nurturing environment where players can reach their full potential. We prioritize the development of technical skills, tactical understanding, and sportsmanship. Beyond the game, we focus on character development, instilling values that extend far beyond the soccer pitch. We aim to mold our players into not just skilled athletes but also responsible, compassionate, and respectful members of society.

Our mission drives us to be more than just a soccer club; we are a community dedicated to making a positive impact. Join us in this exciting journey of personal growth, sportsmanship, and community engagement. Together, we can achieve greatness both on and off the field.